
Astral plane 5e
Astral plane 5e

She only turns attackers into chickens.Ī bit of chain with links 120 feet tall lies forgotten. The woman/alien will not fight or harm characters unless attacked if so, she has 300 HP and can cast true polymorph at will, save DC 20. If significant magic is used to probe the woman's deep thoughts, the examiner must make a DC 20 WIS save or be driven permanently mad by the alien horror within. She has no idea how she got there, but a simple farm lady makes do, and oh look, there's fresh bread. A sweet old lady lives there and will make you delicious chicken and dumplings. Don't let it hit you.Ī plot of land abot 200ft square, with a well and chicken coop and garden and cottage. Several giant gods hunched around a too-small table, rolling boulder-sized dice as humanoids run around the table in battle.Ī massive whale with thousands of reflective eyes, each eye showing a slightly different alternate-reality version of what's reflected.Ī god's glowing arrow, fired off millennia ago when it missed its target and is still travelling today.

astral plane 5e astral plane 5e

If viewed in just the right way, they spell out a message.Ī pile of random objects dumped from ruptured Bags of Holding.Ī man floating by in a bulky white suit and a tinted round visor. The recently-deceased spirits of a carnival troupe on their way to Limbo.Ī drifting mass of mirrors that reflect things in far too many dimensions for comfort.Ī Sargasso sea of tangled silver cords, severed from their original owners.

astral plane 5e


Huginn and Muninn, or Thought and Memory, Odin's ravens, on an errand.Ī pocket-sized time loop formed when a fragment of a dead god drifted free into the void. A flock of godpeckers - tiny silvery birds that live and feed on god-isles, gradually taking on aspects of the god it once was.

Astral plane 5e